Providing first aid in emergency situations - basic rules and algorithm of actions. Do-it-yourself ambulance: how to help the victim? How to help the victim

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First aid skills are a skill that every person needs. However, if there is a lack of knowledge about all the necessary life-saving measures, even greater harm can be caused to the victim.

It is possible to determine what kind of damage the victim received only with the help of an x-ray. Therefore, the only thing that needs to be done is to immobilize the site of injury without straightening or bending the injured limb. To do this, you can use any flat, narrow objects that are wrapped in such a way as to immobilize not only the site of injury, but also the joints located above and below it. The splint is wrapped with bandages along its entire length, excluding the damaged area. If there are no suitable objects at hand, the arm is tied to the body, and the leg is tied to the other leg.

The water element rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Swimming, diving, boating, surfing - these and many other water activities bring a lot of fun to both children and adults. At the same time, being in the water is a rather dangerous activity that requires increased attention and good coordination of movements.

No one is immune from incidents leading to sad results. Particularly dangerous for swimmers, including experienced swimmers, are reservoirs with numerous whirlpools and strong currents, areas near bridges and ice-cutters. That is why everyone should know how to provide first aid to a drowning person.

What is drowning and how does it happen?

Drowning is an asphyxial condition resulting from the filling of the respiratory tract with fluid. Having fallen under water, a person first instinctively holds his breath, but as he weakens, he swallows. At some point he experiences laryngospasm, and then loss of consciousness.

While the swimmer is unconscious, water continues to passively flow into the lungs. The result of pathological changes in the body is damage to the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The composition of the blood changes. There may be muscle cramps. After cardiac arrest, brain function is impaired. It is noteworthy that death in fresh water occurs 4–5 times faster than in salt water, namely after 2–3 minutes.

How to understand that there is a drowning person in front of you? There is an opinion that a drowning person is actively fighting for life and calling for help. In fact, due to impaired breathing, he is unable to speak or row. Moreover, a person who struggles to stay afloat will sink faster, using up precious oxygen.

Help is needed when a swimmer periodically plunges into water above the mouth line. At the moments when he manages to raise his head above the surface, he only manages to take a convulsive breath of air and tries to clear his throat. A drowning person is always in an upright position and does not make supporting movements with his legs. He has a glassy look. He does not wave his arms, but, spreading them to the sides, chaotically pushes off from the water.

This is how real (wet) drowning occurs, but there are other types of this condition.

  • False (dry, asphyxial) drowning is accompanied by a feeling of lack of oxygen, which occurs as a result of a breathing spasm. Sometimes this condition is caused by a panic attack, sudden muscle cramps in the legs, and dizziness. A suffocating person, unlike a truly drowning person, can give signals (call for help, wave his arms), but without outside support it is difficult for him to get to shore.
  • Reflex (instant) drowning occurs as a result of vascular spasm, stroke, or heart attack. A person who has had an attack first turns pale, and then quietly and quickly goes under the water. Having pulled such a victim ashore, the rescuer must, skipping the stage of clearing the airways of water, begin resuscitation measures.

Rules of conduct in case of drowning

If you feel tired while swimming, you need to lie down on the water and relax. You should breathe evenly: inhale deeply and, after a short pause, exhale slowly. Another option to stay on the water is to take the “float” pose. To do this, you need to pull your legs towards your body and hold your knees with your hands. As you inhale, the face is raised above the water, and as you exhale, it is immersed. Having become disoriented during a dive, you need to exhale a little and, noticing where the bubbles are heading, follow them. During cramps, you should straighten your leg, grab your big toe and forcefully pull your foot towards you.

If someone near you is drowning, follow these steps:

  • Look around for a rescue craft. If you find one, take it with you.
  • Before you swim, really assess your capabilities: take into account your swimming ability, distance, strength of wind and water current.
  • If you are not sure that you will swim, ask the rescue center on duty for help.
  • When rescuing yourself, calm and encourage the drowning person. If he is conscious, ask him to hold on to your shoulders.
  • Take the unconscious person under the armpits from the back or grab him by the hair and tow him to shore.
  • If a drowning person goes under water, dive as deep as possible in the place where you last saw him.

Important! Rule number “1” - swim up to the victim from behind so that he, being in an inadequate state, does not accidentally drown you.

What to do in case of true drowning

First aid for rescuing a drowning person depends on the type of drowning. A person who has swallowed water will have a bluish face and neck. True drowning may also be indicated by coughing, vomiting, and pink foam coming from the mouth and nasal cavity.

According to the degree of severity, three phases of the condition are distinguished: initial, agonal, terminal. First aid for a conscious victim is to warm and calm him down, and prevent him from choking on vomit. Signs of initial drowning usually go away quickly. If the victim still feels unwell after half an hour or an hour, you should consult a doctor.

At the agonal stage, the victim is unconscious, but breathing and has a weak pulse. First aid is to:

  • clear the airways. Vomit, silt, and algae are removed from the oral cavity;
  • remove water from the lungs. The victim is turned onto his stomach and thrown over the knee of the bent leg. While supporting his head, he is patted firmly in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • do artificial respiration. The victim is placed on his back, his head is thrown back and his mouth is opened. With one hand they hold his face by the chin, with the other they pinch his nose. Inhale deeply and, wrapping your lips around the victim’s mouth, make two exhalations lasting a second each;
  • normalize blood circulation. The victim's legs are raised and a cushion is placed under them;
  • combine artificial respiration with closed cardiac massage. Place your palms on the victim’s chest and forcefully and rhythmically perform 30 pushes. When giving a massage to an adult, do not bend your arms at the elbows - this allows you to lean on with your full weight. As for the child, the pressure should be lighter. A breast massage is performed with the thumbs. Alternate two breaths with thirty compressions.

At the terminal stage, clinical death occurs: there is no pulse even in the carotid artery, there is no breathing, dilated pupils do not respond to light. How to help such a drowning person? Artificial respiration begins as early as possible. While still in the water, as soon as the victim’s face is above the surface, exhale into his nose. To prevent air from escaping, cover the victim's mouth with the palm of his hand. After inhalation, they withdraw so that passive exhalation occurs. Insufflation is done every 4–5 seconds.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures are being started on shore. To start the heart, a precordial blow may be required: a palm is placed in the area of ​​the lower third of the sternum, and then the fist of the other hand is sharply struck on it. Check the pulse in the carotid artery. If it is not there, they move on to artificial pulmonary ventilation and closed cardiac massage. An adult is given sixty pressures per minute, a child – eighty. Every fifteen pushes, two blows are made into the mouth. To provide qualified medical care to a drowning person, he must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

What to do in case of false and reflex drowning

In case of dry or instantaneous drowning, resuscitation measures begin with cardiac massage and artificial respiration. Providing first aid to a drowning person should continue after he regains consciousness. A victim who has experienced clinical death may again stop functioning of the heart and respiratory organs and develop pulmonary edema. The person who has regained consciousness needs to be changed into dry clothes, warmed with a warm drink and a blanket.

Doctors should also provide first aid: you need to call emergency help or take the victim to the hospital yourself. The patient may require further examination and hospitalization.

First aid is actions the purpose of which is to save a life or restore the normal state of an injured person. First aid should be provided by a person nearby (mutual aid), or by the patient himself (self-help) until medical workers arrive. The most important thing is urgency, because if you provide help faster, it will be better for the victim. First aid instructions depend on the type of injury.

What to do?

Before providing assistance, you need to assess the situation. It is important to know what happened, the cause of the incident, the number of victims, find out whether someone can provide first aid and whether it is necessary to call an ambulance. When assessing a situation, you need to maintain common sense and reason soberly in order to make the right decision. Instructions for providing first aid to the victim will be as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to eliminate the source of the damage.
  2. You should immediately take all necessary actions aimed at providing first aid.
  3. The person who finds himself next to the victim must prevent the victim’s condition from worsening and do everything to save the person’s life.
  4. Under no circumstances should you risk yourself, because then you won’t be able to help the victim.
  5. The first thing you need to do is look to see if there are any damages that are preventing access to oxygen.

What if several people need help?

If several people are injured, it is necessary to determine who needs help more. It is necessary to provide first aid to the victims. The instructions for rendering are as follows:

  1. Often there is a “clinical” death, so you need to try to help the person, because the absence of breathing and pulse is not an indicator.
  2. You cannot leave the victim alone, because he may need something.
  3. Call emergency help at number 03. If the person who is helping the victim cannot do this, he should ask someone to take care of this matter.
  4. It is necessary to record the time, cause, nature of the accident, the condition of the victim and the measures that were taken before the arrival of the ambulance. Pass all this information to your doctor.
  5. Until the doctors arrive, monitor the victim’s condition: periodically check breathing and pulse.

Most often, frostbite occurs among citizens who abuse alcohol and, oddly enough, children who may get too busy playing and not notice hypothermia. How to detect the first signs of frostbite and what to do if it happens, says Vladimir Yashin, general practitioner, teacher at Moscow Medical School No. 13, author of the textbook “Healthy Lifestyle”.

There are 4 degrees of frostbite. The first - the easiest - develops after short-term exposure to cold. It is characterized by pallor of the skin, pain at the site of the lesion and, finally, loss of sensitivity.

General warming up

A victim with an initial degree of frostbite must first be warmed up - taken to a warm room, given a hot drink: coffee, tea with honey or raspberry jam. A glass of vodka or cognac will be useful. A warm bath will help restore normal blood circulation. Over the course of 30 minutes, you need to gradually raise the temperature from 20 degrees to 40. After the bath, wipe the affected parts of the body dry with a clean towel and go to bed, covering yourself with a warm blanket.

The same sensations are experienced by a person who has received 2nd degree frostbite. Only to these are added blisters filled with light liquid, which form on the affected area of ​​the skin.

A similar picture is observed in the initial stages of the most severe frostbite - 3rd and 4th degree. At first, they differ in that the skin becomes bluish-red in color, and the blisters that form on it contain bloody fluid. But this is only an external impression. How far the frostbite process has progressed can only be determined in a hospital. A victim with the 3rd degree of frostbite has skin necrosis, and at the 4th degree, soft and bone tissues die. At this stage of frostbite development, the patient faces amputation of frostbitten body parts.

Saving limbs

Severe consequences of frostbite can be avoided if the victim is provided with first aid in a timely manner. It should be aimed at restoring blood circulation in the affected area and, of course, warming the body. After all, cold injury is often accompanied by a general cooling of the body, and this, in turn, can lead to diseases of the respiratory system, kidneys, and joints.

If, for example, your hands, ears, cheeks or nose are frostbitten, contrary to the common folk method, there is no need to rub them with snow. The ice flakes in it can scratch the skin, and the cooling will only increase. In addition, snow can carry an infection. Therefore, it is better to rub the affected area with a clean hand or soft cloth. This should be done until the whitened skin turns red and begins to tingle.

Pathological changes in frostbitten tissues (necrosis) may not appear immediately, but several days after frostbite. Therefore, the victim does not need to postpone a visit to a doctor - surgeon or traumatologist.

If everything is serious...

In case of 3rd or, God forbid, 4th degree frostbite, you should seek emergency medical help. While help is on the way, you can help the victim in the following way: apply a dry and clean (preferably sterile) bandage with a thick layer of cotton wool to the frostbitten part of the body. Wrap the affected limb with a woolen scarf or scarf. It is better not to touch the frostbitten area with your hands. And under no circumstances should you lubricate the affected area with any ointment or fat.

If help does not arrive for a long time, after a while the warming bandage can be removed and, after easily wiping the skin with a cotton swab dipped in vodka or diluted alcohol, apply it again. As for medications, for example, if pain appears in the affected area, the victim can be given a painkiller from a home medicine cabinet, for example analgin.